Uttarakhand weather update cold wave in Uttarakhand

Uttarakhand weather update :There has been a noticeable drop in temperatures in the mountainous areas due to the cold that is prevailing. The people have experienced more problems as a result of the cold. Today is likely to be a dry day in the districts of the state, according to the Meteorological Center Dehradun. The sky will remain clear in Dehradun, but there was fog in the morning. The maximum temperature will be around 17 degrees Celsius and the minimum temperature will be around 5 degrees Celsius.

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Uttarakhand weather update cold wave in Uttarakhand
Uttarakhand weather update cold wave in Uttarakhand

According to the Meteorological Department, Possibility of cold wave conditions

According to Vikram Singh, Director and Senior Meteorologist of the Meteorological Center, due to the cold winds coming from the northwest region, the weather pattern has changed from mountain to plain. He said that due to the activity of Western Disturbance in the past, the temperature has also dropped.

Due to fog in the plains and mountainous regions of the state, the heat of the sun is reaching very little on the ground, due to which the maximum and minimum temperatures have gone down considerably. For the last two days, the maximum temperature fell five degrees below normal to 17 degrees. At the same time, the minimum temperature also fell below ten degrees and reached three degrees. But, with the increase in temperature in the coming days, the effect of coolness will reduce slightly.