Auli Weather in July 2022

During the month of July Auli receives moderate rainfall. The weather is usually cloudy and cold. The maximum temperature recorded is 19°C and the minimum temperature recorded is 11°C in July in Auli.

  • Auli Average Minimum Temperature in July – 11°C
  • Auli Average Maximum Temperature in July – 19°C
  • Snowfall in Auli in July – No snowfall
  • Rainfall in Auli in July – Moderate rainfall

Auli Weather Forecast Next 7 Days

Auli Maximum Temperature will be between 20°C – 27°C next 15 Days and Minimum Temperature will be between 10°C – 15°C . night will be cold , there is no chances of rain but cloudy weather is expected.


What is the best time to visit Auli?

Auli is one of the most popular tourist places not just in Uttarakhand but in India. Auli is the most famed skiing destination in the country. People of all age groups (especially youngsters) like to visit Auli and enjoy the rich experience of skiing and other winter adventure sport.

The best time to visit Auli is during the winter season. Auli is covered in white sheets of snow throughout the year, however, snowfall in Auli begins from November end or December to February. This is the period when Auli witnesses a maximum footfall of tourists from all over the country.

Where is Auli Located?

Auli is a hill town situated in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand. It is perched at an elevation of 2800 meters above sea level. Auli is a popular ski destination in India and therefore, it attracts a huge number of tourists.

Auli Weather in June 2022

June is a summer month in Auli. It doesn’t snow during the month of June in Auli. The maximum temperature during June is recorded at 20°C, whereas, the minimum temperature is recorded at 9°C in Auli. Auli is a cold place so people visiting during June must carry enough woolen clothes.

Here are the Auli weather details for the month of June.

  • Auli Average Temperature in June – 9°C – 20°C
  • Auli Average Minimum Temperature in June – 20°C
  • Auli Average Maximum Temperature in June – 9°C
  • Snowfall in Auli in June – Month of June there is no snowfall in Auli
  • Auli Weather in Summer Season – Cold

Auli Weather in Summer Season – Cool and Pleasant

  • Summer Season: April to June
  • Average Maximum Temperature: 18°C
  • Atmosphere: Cold

The summer season in Auli begins from April to June. The summers in Auli are cold, and the only difference between the summer season and the winter season is that it doesn’t snow during summers. The average maximum temperature during the summer season is recorded at 18°C.

Auli Weather in Monsoon Season – Moderate rains with chances of landslide

  • Monsoon Season: July to September
  • Average Maximum Temperature: 19°C
  • Atmosphere: Moderate rains with chances of landslide

The monsoon season in Auli starts from July to September. Auli receives moderate rainfall during the monsoons. However, there are chances of landslides and road blockage. The average maximum temperature recorded at Auli during the monsoon season is 19°C.

Auli Weather in Winter Season – Freezing Cold and Snowfall

  • Winter Season: October to March
  • Average Temperature: 0 to 12 Degree
  • Atmosphere: Freezing Cold

The winter season in Auli starts from October to March. However, the snowfall starts either during November end or December and lasts till February. During the snowfall season, Auli experiences great footfall of tourists. Almost all the resorts in Auli offer skiing and other popular winter sport to the tourists. Tourists mostly come for skiing. The average minimum temperature in Auli is recorded at -3°C.

Winters are the best time to visit Auli and see its beauty to the maximum.

Uttarakhand Weather : Explore the City Wise Temprature in Uttarakhand